Breaking News
sabato 7 luglio 2012

Info Post
The Olympic Games are about to start. The eyes of the entire world will be on London and the venues across the cities. Popular and unknown athletes are ready to challenge themselves, to try to overcome their own limits and win a medal. Once again, water polo will be in the list of the sports practised at the Olympics. It may sound strange to those who are not familiar with it, but water polo is the most longeve team sport at the Olympic Games. In fact, it was introduced in Paris in 1900 and since then every edition of the main event has had its water polo tournament. Indeed, the competition was extended also to women starting from Sydney 2000.
by Simone Pierotti
In order to celebrate the oldest Olympic team sport, Sports UN provides the complete archive of water polo at the Games. We start from Paris 1900, where only seven teams entered the competition and represented four different countries, and we arrive to Beijing 2008, with an established 12-team format (8 for women) with preliminary rounds and knockout stage. This is an extraordinary travel throughout the 20th century, with fantastic stories from every single edition.

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Simone Pierotti è nato il 2 gennaio 1985 a Pietrasanta, ma è cresciuto a Viareggio, dove ha mosso i primi passi da giornalista e le prime bracciate da pallanotista. Ha giocato un po' in tutti i ruoli per oltre 10 anni e nel frattempo si è laureato in Comunicazione pubblica all'Università di Pisa, ha fatto da addetto stampa al Torneo di Viareggio e alla Coppa Carnevale di nuoto e collaborato per varie testate. Adesso sta frequentando un master in giornalismo sportivo alla Sheffield Hallam University, nel Regno Unito, e continua a seguire la pallanuoto.

Simone Pierotti was born on 2 January 1985 in Pietrasanta, but he grew up in Viareggio, where he fell in love both with journalism and water polo. He played in almost all roles for more than 10 years and in the meantime he graduated in Communication Studies from Università di Pisa, he served as a press officer for the Viareggio Tournament and the Coppa Carnevale of swimming and he has worked as a freelance journalist for several news organisations. He is now attending a MA in Sports Journalism at Sheffield Hallam University and he is going on with covering water polo.

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